So it is late January... (DEMOCRATS FOCUS)
So we let the last question percolate for awhile, a few played, and most said "no, thank you" to the discussion. But let's be honest. If you look back on a number of comments so far, many opinions have probably changed or become more meaningful.
Given that you, as 17 and 18 year olds SHOULD be voting this year (yes, I know some aren't old enough, but that doesn't mean I don't think you should be allowed to do so!), let's see where you stand as we near the Colorado caucus.
As with the primary/caucus system that will decide separately the two major candidates, we will offer on question on the Republicans and one on the Democrats. As with the system in some states, we will allow independents to play on either question. And as can happen, we'll allow R's to play on the D question and D's to play on the R.
So ... who should be the Democrat's candidate for President? Why?